Monday, September 27, 2010

Japanese Curry Rice

There is a lot of wiggle room with this recipe so you don't have to follow it by
the book--customize it to your taste but here is a good foundation to go by....

You will need....
2 cups of brown rice (or white...I guess)

Olive oil
3 cloves of finely chopped garlic
1 tbsp of minced ginger (if you have to use powdered ginger use 1 tsp)
1 yellow onion (if you like the taste of onion, get a big one....if not get a
small one), finely died
2 very large and in charge carrots, peeled and diced into bite-sized pieces
3 yellow Yukon potatoes (the ones that are about the size of your fist or
smaller), NOT PEELED and diced into bite sized pieces

whatever other veges, like peas or corn, you'd like to have in your curry....if
you're going to add more then scale down the other veges too

2 1/2 c. of vegetable stock
2 curry blocks (you can find them at the international section usually and they
vary by degree of spicy-ness, I usually get S&B Golden Curry mild)
1 block of tofu, medium-firm

Alright, let's get cooking:
1.) Heat up a large sauce pan on low heat, at about 2 tbsp of olive oil. Throw
in the garlic and ginger. Stir it around for about 3 minutes or until you can
smell garlic

2.) Add onion, stir that around in the oil/garlic/ginger goodness. Crank up the
heat to medium, cover the pot and let those onions caramelize for 10-15 minutes.
The onions should be a golden brown color when they are caramelized. Occasionally

3.) Toss in the potatoes and carrots, crank up the high to medium-high, cover
the pot and let them saute for about 10 minutes. Occasionally stir them.

4.) Add the vegetable stock, crank up the heat to high, cover the pot and let
that simmer/boil for 20 minutes.

5.) Take your curry blocks and chop them up. Add to the mixture and stir to
melt. It will be hot but taste it and make sure that's enough curry for you. If
it's not, add more!

6.) Add honey to taste. I'd start with just a drizzle, a little goes a long way
and the curry will be a little sweet because of the caramelized onions. Add salt
and pepper to taste.

7.) You can even add a little soy sauce or Worcester sauce, play around with it
if you're not happy with the taste.

8.) Once when you're satisfied with the taste add chopped up tofu and gently
stir that into the curry.

Serve with cooked rice and enjoy!
(oh yes and get the Tupperware out because there will be left overs)

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